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April 29, 2010

Streetsenses! Streetsenses is created to gather together the experiences and sensations from the streets of the cities I explore.

El futuro de la traducción simultánea y de Google

May 27, 2011
“Los computadores en el futuro puede que no pesen más de 15 toneladas” Revista Mecánica Popular, 1949

“Pienso que el mercado mundial puede dar para unos cinco computadores” Thomas Watson, Presidente de IBM, 1943

“El microchip es muy interesante, pero… Para qué podría servir?” Ingeniero de la Advanced Computing Systems Division IBM, 1968

“No hay ninguna razón para que alguien quisiera tener un computador en su casa” Ken Olsen, Presidente y fundador de DEC, Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

“¿Quién demonios va a querer oír hablar a los actores?” Harry M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927

La historia nos ha demostrado en muchas ocasiones que lo inalcanzable se convierte en rutina y cómo los sueños se hacen realidad. El futuro de la traducción simultánea está aquí y lo trae Google.

The future is no future anymore!

May 27, 2011

Check this out for more 3D-Sensing Technology:

Free Egypt!!

February 1, 2011

Streets’ free expression!!

Inspired by M.P.

Marketing, Social Media & Creativity!

January 23, 2011

This blog is from different topic but I found this video extremely interesting and kept my attention. It came to my mouse through the Wishcover Facebook page, and it gives us the opportunity to understand the new tendencies that are being applied in the marketing field, embracing and taking advantages of the tools available in Social Networks.

2010 Year in Review – 2011 What next?

January 23, 2011

Goodbye Petrol!!

January 4, 2011

One of the most rewarding news I received the past year was the advance in green cars development. We are getting closer to a cleaner environment especially in big cities.  Here you can see a picture I took recently of one of the main european capitals. It does look like a beautiful and shiny day… however, pay attention to the grey and thick line of pollution right above the buildings in the horizon. Impressive, right?


As I mentioned, 2011 bring us the advanced evolution of hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles to full reality. When I say “full reality” I mean that I hope this year will give us the opportunity to see these clean machines in our streets and the development of Electric Stations or Recharge Points.

These type of cars will offer an efficient technology for reducing CO2 emissions. This graph bellow gives us a better understanding of the mechanism of plug-in hybrid vehicles:

As you can see, you would be having the option to use petrol or electricity within the same car. Nice, si? It is a good idea, it works and I like it! Now, how can I use it and recharge it? How does it work? Here you have a graphical video to give you a first glance:

Still you might think: 1) This was not good enough, it was just a digital video and not even that good quality! 2) It is just a ‘glance’, I do not believe you can charge as quick as today we can do in a petrol station! How?

Well, 1 minute 26 seconds is actually lower that filling the tank, which is what you will get in a Recharge Point, a swap for a full battery.  This video bellow will give you a final taste of how our life will become within the near future, hopefully:

For those thinking… Um! But It is just a prototype, a concept..! Good, that means you are meaningful about your ideas. Then, if you really want to take your environmental care principles serious and would like to take then to your ultimate green-world-objective, now you can make it! If you want to become one of the visionaries and built history you can reserve one and install a charging dock at home, before you get your cero-gas emissions car. There is a commercialized 100% electric, no-gas car option. The Nissan LEAF (Leading, Environmentally friendly, Affordable, Family car).

Where could I get one? have a look at the new Nissan LEAF – 360°, it has a price of $26,220 for the LEAF SL or  $25,280 for the SV, both after tax savings and the price will depend on the model you choose. It will be available in EU this year and the global market from 2012.

Not enough! You can challenge it even further and argue the LEAF has not got the most appealing design. I personally would agree on that. In addition, you might not have a family or you love sports cars and adrenaline. Then, you will love Tesla Motors. The Silicon Valley-based company have two really sexy options for electric sport car:

Tesla Roadster:


Deliveries for the Tesla Model S will begin in 2012:


My objective is not to convince anyone, but to raise a point that might give you a hint for the next time you plan to visit a car dealer. Electric cars will have tax incentives and subsidies, additionally, they give us an opportunity and the option to start making a real change and contribution to our streets and environment. The models and brands might not be appealing to some of our personal taste but, to me, opportunity and option are two of the most appealing words I know in our current environment.

I wish you a Clean New Year 2011!

100% Pure Spanish Blood – GTA Spano

November 9, 2010

The Child-Driven Education.

September 7, 2010

Create a Movement!

September 7, 2010

Looking at the floor.

August 24, 2010